Business & Investments

Research Tools

Business Source Premier
Company and industry profiles, country and market research reports.
Resource provided by Badgerlink.

Explora for Everyone
Easy-to-browse categories, organized by popular topics, provide everyone with a starting point for research.
Resource provided by Badgerlink.

Regional Business News
Business publications covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.
Resource provided by Badgerlink.

Recommended Websites

Better Business Bureau Serving Wisconsin
Look up businesses and charities before you do business with them.

Build Your Business helps you start or expand your business.

Learn about investing from this site which offers a dictionary, tutorials, articles and a free "fantasy investing pool"!; U.S. Small Business Adminisration
Assistance to small businesses through education, advocacy and financing.

Generate financial charts for stocks. Some are free, but others may require a subscription fee.

Thomas Register
Find company profiles, contact info, subsidiaries, and catalogs of US and Canadian manufacturers.

Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation
Resources for starting and operating a business in Wisconsin.