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Library Catalogs

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Catalog of materials owned by 29 Winnefox Library System libraries in 5 counties.

Discover books, music, movies, magazines and more in Wisconsin libraries.
Catalog of materials owned by more than 9,000 worldwide member libraries.

Featured Resources!


Kanopy (Expanded Access)
Enjoy critically-acclaimed movies, inspiring documentaries, award-winning foreign films and more. No waiting!
Paid for by the Neenah Public Library.

Britannica Library Young Children
Learning resource collection tailored to the unique needs of young children.
Resource provided by Badgerlink.

Most Popular Resources

Downloadable audiobooks, electronic books, music and video for your PC, Mac, or compatible portable device.
Be sure to sign in to see additional copies of popular titles purchased just for Winnefox patrons!
Funded by the Winnefox Library System and the Wisconsin Public Library Consortium.

Gale Courses
Interactive, instructor led online courses available on a wide variety of topics.
This resource is paid for by the Winnefox Library System.

Wisconsin newspaper titles (including 4 Neenah-specific titles) dating back as far as the 1800s, with search results presented in original format/context.
Resource provided by the Winnefox Library System.

Available in-library only.
Genealogy, family trees and family history records online.
Paid for by the Neenah Public Library.

Gale Courses; Languages
Interactive, instructor led online language courses in Spanish, Japanese, Italian, French... even sign language!
This resource is paid for by the Winnefox Library System.