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Library Catalogs

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Catalog of materials owned by 29 Winnefox Library System libraries in 5 counties.

Discover books, music, movies, magazines and more in Wisconsin libraries.
Catalog of materials owned by more than 9,000 worldwide member libraries.

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new CreativeBug
1,000+ award-winning art & craft video classes taught by recognized design experts and artists.
Paid for by the Winnefox Library System.

Most Popular Resources

Poetry & Short Story Reference Center
Read classic and contemporary poems and short stories. You can even listen to some poets reading their own works!
Resource provided by Badgerlink.

Digital version of the print discovery tool for readers, highlighting the best new books across all genres.
Resource provided by Winnefox.

OEM repair, maintenance, and service information on most cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs. Provides step-by-step procedures, diagnostic and troubleshooting help, and a video library.
Resource provided by Badgerlink.

Archive of Wisconsin Newspapers
Access to Wisconsin Newspaper Association's daily and weekly member-newspapers from 2005 to present (with a 60 day embargo).
Includes access to The Marquette County Tribune.
Help: Tutorial on YouTube
Resource provided by Badgerlink.

Britannica Library Young Children
Learning resource collection tailored to the unique needs of young children.
Resource provided by Badgerlink.